Ford Motor Company | NHTSA Recall #93V169000

Vehicle safety recall details from the Department of Transportation.


Detailed recall information for NHTSA ID 93V169000 by Ford Motor Company. Includes 217 affected units, INTERIOR SYSTEMS:PASSIVE RESTRAINT:AIR BAG:PASSENG, component: AIR BAGS, and more from the Department of Transportation.

Defect Summary

If the passenger-side air bag deploys in an accident and there is no passenger in that seating position, the air bag can detach from, and deform, the mounting bracket.

Corrective Action

A new air bag module with a slightly revised door to improve fit and appearance will be installed and a doubler will be installed on the mounting bracket to more securely retain the module.

Recall Overview

NHTSA ID: 93V169000
Manufacturer: Ford Motor Company
Report Received Date: 1993-10-15T00:00:00
Subject: Interior systems:passive restraint:air bag:passeng
Component: Air Bags
Potentially Affected Units: 217


MFR Campaign Number: NR (Not Reported)
Recall Type: Vehicle
Defect Summary: If the passenger-side air bag deploys in an accident and there is no passenger in that seating position, the air bag can detach from, and deform, the mounting bracket.
Consequence Summary: Installation of a replacement passenger-side air bagwould be impeded by the damage to the mounting bracket and would require moreexpensive repair work. This may deter the vehicle owner from having the repairmade and the replacement air bag installed, which would place future passengersat higher risk of injury in an accident.
Corrective Action: A new air bag module with a slightly revised door to improve fit and appearance will be installed and a doubler will be installed on the mounting bracket to more securely retain the module.

Safety Information

Fire Risk When Parked: No
Do Not Drive: No
Completion Rate: N/A


SID: row-6dg8~vauk~udwx
NHTSA ID: 93V169000
Position: N/A
Created At: 1741512641
Created Meta: N/A
Updated At: 1741512641
Updated Meta: N/A
Meta: { }
Recall Link: