General Motors, Llc | NHTSA Recall #92V077000
Vehicle safety recall details from the Department of Transportation.
Detailed recall information for NHTSA ID 92V077000 by General Motors, Llc. Includes 146 affected units, VISUAL SYSTEMS:GLASS:WINDOW:REAR-VIEW BACKLIGHT, component: VISIBILITY, and more from the Department of Transportation.
Defect Summary
Vehicles were incorrectly equipped with standard rear windows instead of the necessary riveted installation seal assemblies.
Corrective Action
Replace the existing rear window seals with the riveted installation seal assemblies.
Recall Overview
NHTSA ID: 92V077000
Manufacturer: General Motors, Llc
Report Received Date: 1992-05-18T00:00:00
Subject: Visual systems:glass:window:rear-view backlight
Component: Visibility
Potentially Affected Units: 146
MFR Campaign Number: NR (Not Reported)
Recall Type: Vehicle
Defect Summary: Vehicles were incorrectly equipped with standard rear windows instead of the necessary riveted installation seal assemblies.
Consequence Summary: The rear door windows do not comply with the retentionrequirements of fmvss 217, which provides protection against passengers beingejected out of the rear in an accident.
Corrective Action: Replace the existing rear window seals with the riveted installation seal assemblies.
Safety Information
Fire Risk When Parked: No
Do Not Drive: No
Completion Rate: N/A
SID: row-eubb.m2mr~b3m3
NHTSA ID: 92V077000
Position: N/A
Created At: 1741512641
Created Meta: N/A
Updated At: 1741512641
Updated Meta: N/A
Meta: { }
Recall Link: