Ford Motor Company | NHTSA Recall #86V039000

Vehicle safety recall details from the Department of Transportation.


Detailed recall information for NHTSA ID 86V039000 by Ford Motor Company. Includes 4,700 affected units, VISUAL SYSTEMS:GLAZING MATERIAL STICKER, component: VISIBILITY, and more from the Department of Transportation.

Defect Summary

The right quarter windows may contain glass which was improperly tempered. this glass may yield pieces larger than the maximum allowed by fmvss 205, glazing material. consequence of defect: in case of an accident these large pieces of glass may seriously injure the occupants of the car.

Corrective Action

Replace the quarter windows containing date code 5 af.

Recall Overview

NHTSA ID: 86V039000
Manufacturer: Ford Motor Company
Report Received Date: 1986-03-10T00:00:00
Subject: Visual systems:glazing material sticker
Component: Visibility
Potentially Affected Units: 4,700


MFR Campaign Number: NR (Not Reported)
Recall Type: Vehicle
Defect Summary: The right quarter windows may contain glass which was improperly tempered. this glass may yield pieces larger than the maximum allowed by fmvss 205, glazing material. consequence of defect: in case of an accident these large pieces of glass may seriously injure the occupants of the car.
Consequence Summary: N/A
Corrective Action: Replace the quarter windows containing date code 5 af.

Safety Information

Fire Risk When Parked: No
Do Not Drive: No
Completion Rate: N/A


SID: row-2bts-3rik~n4uc
NHTSA ID: 86V039000
Position: N/A
Created At: 1741512641
Created Meta: N/A
Updated At: 1741512641
Updated Meta: N/A
Meta: { }
Recall Link: