Ford Motor Company | NHTSA Recall #77V125000

Vehicle safety recall details from the Department of Transportation.


Detailed recall information for NHTSA ID 77V125000 by Ford Motor Company. Includes 742,000 affected units, ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM:FAN, component: ENGINE AND ENGINE COOLING, and more from the Department of Transportation.

Defect Summary

The engine fan blades on the involved vehicles may be subject to cracking due to stresses generated during normal operation. Blades may fracture and fragments would be propelled from the rotating fan.

Corrective Action

Dealer will replace all suspect fans without charge to owners.

Recall Overview

NHTSA ID: 77V125000
Manufacturer: Ford Motor Company
Report Received Date: 1977-08-16T00:00:00
Subject: Engine cooling system:fan
Component: Engine And Engine Cooling
Potentially Affected Units: 742,000


MFR Campaign Number: NR (Not Reported)
Recall Type: Vehicle
Defect Summary: The engine fan blades on the involved vehicles may be subject to cracking due to stresses generated during normal operation. Blades may fracture and fragments would be propelled from the rotating fan.
Consequence Summary: N/A
Corrective Action: Dealer will replace all suspect fans without charge to owners.

Safety Information

Fire Risk When Parked: No
Do Not Drive: No
Completion Rate: N/A


SID: row-u8qt.5983_fwws
NHTSA ID: 77V125000
Position: N/A
Created At: 1741512641
Created Meta: N/A
Updated At: 1741512641
Updated Meta: N/A
Meta: { }
Recall Link: