Chrysler (fca Us, Llc) | mopar high pressure fuel pump part numbers: 68211268aa, 68211269aa and mopar 3 | NHTSA Recall #22E048000

Vehicle safety recall details from the Department of Transportation.


Detailed recall information for NHTSA ID 22E048000 by Chrysler (fca Us, Llc). Affecting mopar high pressure fuel pump part numbers: 68211268aa, 68211269aa and mopar 3 Includes 27,316 affected units, High Pressure Fuel Pump Failure, component: FUEL SYSTEM, DIESEL, and more from the Department of Transportation.

Vehicle Make / Model

mopar high pressure fuel pump part numbers: 68211268aa, 68211269aa and mopar 3

Defect Summary

Chrysler (fca us, llc) is recalling certain mopar high pressure fuel pump part numbers: 68211268aa, 68211269aa and mopar 3.0l diesel engine part numbers: 05158019ak, 05158036af, 05158048ac, 05158048ad, 05158048ae, 05158048af, 05158052ad, 05158052af, 05158052ag, 05162072ad, 05162072ae. a high pressure fuel pump (hpfp) failure may introduce internal debris into the fuel system, potentially resulting in fuel starvation.

Corrective Action

Dealers will replace the hpfp, inspect and replace, if necessary, additional fuel system components, free of charge. owner notification letters were mailed march 7, 2024. owners may contact fca us, llc customer service at 1-800-853-1403. fca us, lls's number for this recall is z58.

Recall Overview

NHTSA ID: 22E048000
Report Received Date: 2022-06-09T00:00:00
Subject: High pressure fuel pump failure
Component: Fuel System, Diesel
Potentially Affected Units: 27,316


MFR Campaign Number: Z58
Recall Type: Equipment
Defect Summary: Chrysler (fca us, llc) is recalling certain mopar high pressure fuel pump part numbers: 68211268aa, 68211269aa and mopar 3.0l diesel engine part numbers: 05158019ak, 05158036af, 05158048ac, 05158048ad, 05158048ae, 05158048af, 05158052ad, 05158052af, 05158052ag, 05162072ad, 05162072ae. a high pressure fuel pump (hpfp) failure may introduce internal debris into the fuel system, potentially resulting in fuel starvation.
Consequence Summary: Fuel starvation may result in an unexpected loss of drive power, increasing the risk of a crash.
Corrective Action: Dealers will replace the hpfp, inspect and replace, if necessary, additional fuel system components, free of charge. owner notification letters were mailed march 7, 2024. owners may contact fca us, llc customer service at 1-800-853-1403. fca us, lls's number for this recall is z58.

Safety Information

Fire Risk When Parked: No
Do Not Drive: No
Completion Rate: 0


SID: row-2fi3.abdz~pvvr
NHTSA ID: 22E048000
Position: N/A
Created At: 1741512641
Created Meta: N/A
Updated At: 1741512641
Updated Meta: N/A
Meta: { }
Recall Link: