Winnebago Industries, Inc. | NHTSA Recall #01V128004

Vehicle safety recall details from the Department of Transportation.


Detailed recall information for NHTSA ID 01V128004 by Winnebago Industries, Inc.. Includes 4,370 affected units, WINNEBAGO/AM-SAFE SAFETY BELT ASSEMBLIES, component: SEAT BELTS, and more from the Department of Transportation.

Defect Summary

Vehicle description: class a motor homes equipped with safety belt assemblies built by am-safe. on some seat belts, the buckle and connector may unlatch during a collision.

Corrective Action

Dealers will inspect the lap belts and, if necessary, replace it with a new belt assembly. owner notification began may 25, 2001. owners who take their vehicles to an authorized dealer on an agreed upon service date and do not receive the free remedy within a reasonable time should contact am-safe at 1-219-266-8330 or winnebago at 1-641-585-6939.

Recall Overview

NHTSA ID: 01V128004
Report Received Date: 2001-04-30T00:00:00
Subject: Winnebago/am-safe safety belt assemblies
Component: Seat Belts
Potentially Affected Units: 4,370


MFR Campaign Number: NR (Not Reported)
Recall Type: Vehicle
Defect Summary: Vehicle description: class a motor homes equipped with safety belt assemblies built by am-safe. on some seat belts, the buckle and connector may unlatch during a collision.
Consequence Summary: Serious injury or death could occur if the vehicle occupant is not properly restrained.
Corrective Action: Dealers will inspect the lap belts and, if necessary, replace it with a new belt assembly. owner notification began may 25, 2001. owners who take their vehicles to an authorized dealer on an agreed upon service date and do not receive the free remedy within a reasonable time should contact am-safe at 1-219-266-8330 or winnebago at 1-641-585-6939.

Safety Information

Fire Risk When Parked: No
Do Not Drive: No
Completion Rate: N/A


SID: row-qdca_giy5_4ei2
NHTSA ID: 01V128004
Position: N/A
Created At: 1741512641
Created Meta: N/A
Updated At: 1741512641
Updated Meta: N/A
Meta: { }
Recall Link: